Unwired Privacy Policy:  

At Unwired Ltd, we take the privacy of our customers seriously. Any personal information submitted on our website is considered confidential and will never be sold or shared to any third party for financial gain or profit.

We may monitor traffic to make sure our network is not overloaded, but we will never inspect your internet usage. We believe all users on our network should have a private and anonymous internet experience.

How we use your information:

If you send any communication to us, we may keep a copy of that communication in an effort to respond to you appropriately. If you send us an inquiry for service, listing your address, we will use this information to determine the products and services that are available to you based on your location.   

Any personal contact information submitted will remain internal to Unwired Ltd for the sole purpose of providing you with a quality product.

All electronic payments made to Unwired are processed through PCI compliant third parties. We do not retain any financial information on our servers.  

We support Net Neutrality!

Unwired is dedicated to providing and defending a private and unbiased internet experience for every subscriber. We treat all bandwidth equally and do not give preferential treatment to any traffic based on type, origin, or destination. Unwired has no desire to block, slow down, or monetize access to your favorite websites and services. We will continue to keep our internet services open and equal, just as we have been doing for the past 20+ plus years.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please reach out to our Support Team or call 510-868-1614 to talk to a team member.